General rules

1 / 5 Out-of-game and in-game

All behavior and things in the game can be divided into out-of-game and in-game. What do they mean?


Everything that relates to you as a player and game as an event. Examples of out-of-game topics:


Everything that relates to you as a character and the world of the game. Examples of in-game topics:


During the game out-of-game topics and activities should be done as little as possible to improve immersion of the game. Only if you really need to solve some out-of-game issue, ideally go remotely and ask a local game-master.

Always try to act in in-game terms.


Say: "I've lost 2 hitpoints! Somebody help me!

Say: "Look, there's a GM coming playing some guy!"

Say: "I'm very powerful! I'm level 4 mage!"

Instead do

Say: "I'm gravely injured! I'm dying! Help!"

Say: "Look, there's a wanderer approaching!"

Say: "I'm a very powerful and experienced mage!"

2 / 5 Who is who 

There are three types of players that can be met in the game.

Game Masters (GMs)

The people in charge of organizing and running the event. Can be recognized by a red headband or a red armband.

Talk to them only about out-of-game issues when they are not in character. Otherwise regard them as any other character in the game.

Non Player Characters (NPCs)

People that play out concrete roles for the game to function and they can vary a great deal. An NPC could be a powerful emissary from the nearby empire, but an NPC also can be a squirrel that has stolen a loaf of bread.

Interact with them, they are there for you, but think before you act!

Player Characters (PCs)

Other players like you. They have their goals and most of the time they will be the same character.

They are your main source of interaction, cooperation and rivalry. Among PCs you will meet your most trusted allies and most devious traitors.

3 / 5 Virtuality 

Within the Twilight Chronicles, there are various rules and effects, which take place virtually. It means that if any other character communicates to you that a certain effect is influencing you, you must believe them and play along.

For example, if a player comes into physical contact with you and whispers to you that you are now infected by a disease, e.g. whooping-cough, you have to start acting as if you have it until you find means to cure yourself.


It is absolutely forbidden for any player to claim some powers or effects if they have not been acquired with the approval of a GM or NPC. The game is based on the collective honesty of players and violations of this is an offence that can lead to being banned from further gameplay.


GM: Did you try opening these doors?

Player: Yes, we touched the door-handle.

GM: Anyone who touched the handle has that arm paralysed and is not usable.

4 / 5 The headbands  

Red headband

Identifies a Game Master of the game. While they are wearing a red headband, approach them remotely. Otherwise ignore their in-game presence as if they were not there.

White headband

The sign of the dead. White headbands are to be used by players who have died, are in spirit form or are doing out of game actions. No player is allowed to talk to a dead player. If a player has lost his or her white headband they are to lift up their fist/arm, when meeting other players/anyone notices you, to communicate that you are dead.

Yellow headband

These headbands indicate that a character is invisible. Players must ignore seeing anyone with a yellow headband, but this character can still influence the physical world.

5 / 5 Special interactions  

Looting and stealing

You can take only items that are in-game elements. You cannot steal player's personal attributes such as weapons, clothing or any out-of-game items.

If you are defeated in the battle and someone wants to take all your in-game belongings, help the character and act fair, because they will not be able to know which are private and which are in-game items.


Performed with the back of a melee weapon by hitting lightly between the shoulder blades and saying “Stunned”. A stun can’t be used on players wearing a helmet or who have a special stun resistance. A stunned player quietly counts to 200, after that the player “regains consciousness”. After regaining consciousness, the player can’t remember anything that happened around them during that time. Repeated stunning does 2 points of damage. Stunning can’t be used during battle.

Tying up

You wrap a rope around a player’s hands a couple of times for the visual effect. When tied up a player can’t just remove the ropes, but they can use an in-game weapon to “cut the ropes”. Cutting is performed by acting out the cutting motions and counting to 100. You can tie up legs and arms; if a player's legs are tied up, they can only crawl.

If you are taken hostage, but the players are not engaging with you meaningfully and you are getting bored, you can decide to "suicide" and leave their captivity.

Throat slitting 

To perform a throat slitting you must approach the victim from the back without being noticed and drawing your in-game knife over their chest. The victim dies, HP and armour is not counted. Can’t be used in battle.

Moving someone

A dead player or an injured player can be moved by holding them by the elbows, but only slowly. If two people are “moving” one body they can move at a fast pace, but not run.